The new PEF standard

The new PEF standard

To ensure comparable CO2e results, the EU has established a new calculation method, the new Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) standard.

PEF – our combined climate footprint

For years, CO2 emission has been the dominant focus, but it is just a small component of the many, mostly harmful greenhouse gases that are emitted over a product’s lifecycle. CO2e – carbon dioxide equivalent – is a measure of the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions over the full lifecycle of a product.

Why PEF? To ensure mutually comparable CO2e assessments, the EU has established a new calculation method called PEF (Product Environmental Footprint), which contains predefined measures for all aspects of the PEF. Thus, if any data is missing, worst-case figures will be applied.

Compared with the EPD, the PEF can often contribute twice as many points to building certifications as BREEAM and LEED, because the broader data input makes the calculations more accurate.

We have PEF reports for all our contract qualities. By choosing contract carpets whose CO2e impact is based on PEF calculations you will automatically meet the documentation requirements for your company’s CSRD reporting.


Below figure made by MÅLBAR illustrates the differences between EPD and PEF:

Klimaaftryk PEF vd EPD


Need a PEF report?

We are happy to supply you with relevant PEF reports upon request. The documentation is readily available in English; this applies to all our contract qualities. Please contact your local Fletco Carpets sales representative for assistance.

The new PEF standard